
The Estimates reports provide you with the most complete and accurate overview of sell-side analyst earnings estimates and stock recommendations available. The reports display the latest information on individual analysts recommendations, annual and quarterly EPS estimates and revisions, consensus, and Zacks Ratings for over 6,500 companies - showing you the flow of estimate revisions and recommendations from over 300 brokerage firms.

Estimate reports evaluate the performance of people…not stocks. With these reports you have the ability to evaluate the analysts' past performances to better assess the credibility of their current EPS estimates and recommendations.

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Estimate Reports Categories:
The estimates and recommendations in Estimates reflect the opinions of individual analysts who may have been employed by more than one broker during the period of evaluation. Thus, the ranking indicate the performance of the analyst and not his or her current employer. The broker name noted for each analyst is that of the firm he or she was employed by as of the date of the last estimate recorded.

Zacks rates analysts over the long term - four years for estimates and over five years for recommendations. Consequently, rankings are a measure of the analyst's track record and are less likely to be affected by random, short-term events.
Zacks introduces objective standards into the decision process by quantitatively evaluating and ranking sell side analysts on two important performance measures: the accuracy of their earnings per share (EPS) forecasts and the utility of their stock ratings. Both these measures reflect only demonstrated performance.

Zacks analyzes data for over 6,500 companies aggregated into over seventy industry groups. This data covers multiple years and includes the EPS and stock ratings of over 2,500 analysts. The data shown in Estimates is associated with an individual analyst and stays with that analyst, regardless if he or she is employed by more than one firm during the period under evaluation.


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