Rating Performance Report
This report shows you the best runs of each analyst for the past five years. A run is a time period during which the analyst was recommending the stock a Strong Buy or a Buy/Outperform. If an analyst had more than one run during a period, we only display the best run.This report allows you to evaluate how individual analyst's recommendations performed in the past and whether the analysts have been successful in making recommendations for the company.
You can also view a chart with the analyst's ratings history from the moment he or she began covering the company. The data associated with individual analyst stays with that analyst, whether or not he or she is employed by more than one firm during the period under evaluation.
Rating Performance Report Components
Company Information
- Ticker: The company's ticker symbol.
- Company: The company name.
- Industry: One of more than seventy industry groups. These groupings represent an aggregation of the over 200 industry categories under which Zacks records data.
- Last Update: The date of the database update.
Zacks RatingThe Zacks Rating is based on our proprietary model that uses earnings estimate revisions and earnings surprises to predict short-term price movements. Stocks are rated as a Strong Buy, Buy/Outperform, Hold, Sell/Underperform, or a Strong Sell. These ratings have shown to be an accurate predictor of stock price performance (relative to the market) for the coming 90-180 days as oppose to the analyst's long-term predictions that usually represent a 6-12 month outlook.
The Zacks Rank is also a relative measure, comparing stock against the entire universe of stocks, and the distribution of ranks reflects this: approximately 20% of stocks are ranked Buy/Outperform or Strong Buy; 60% of stocks are ranked Hold; and 20% ranked Sell/Underperform or Strong Sell.
Analyst/BrokerAnalyst: Under the Analyst heading is a list of the names of the individual analysts. If the analyst name is listed as Not Ident - it means that you do not have an authorization to view the name. You can click the Analyst heading to sort the column.
Broker: Under the Broker heading is a list of the names of the brokerage houses and independent research institutions that currently employ the analyst. If the broker name is listed as Not Ident - it means that you do not have an authorization to view the name. You can click the Broker heading to sort the column.
Ratings Code and Date
Rating Codes: The analyst ratings are presented as follows:
Rating Description
Numeric Code
Letter Code
Strong Buy 1 SBBuy/Outperform 2 BHold 3 HSell/Underperform 4 SStrong Sell 5 SSNo Rating 6 NR- NR could also mean that you are not authorized to view certain analyst's recommendations.
An up or down arrow next to the rating code indicates a recent rating change by an analyst. The direction of the arrow indicates a change from the previous analyst's recommendation.
A red rating code indicates the most accurate analysts. You can click the Code heading to sort the column.
Rating Dates: Rating dates show the date of the recommendation or a revision date. Simple rating confirmations do not affect the original or revised rating dates.
A blue rating date indicates the most recently released analyst recommendation. You can click the Date heading to sort the column.
All Runs (Recommendation Performance)A run is a time period during which the particular recommendation was maintained.
#RECOM: The number of buy and sell recommendations made by the analyst for the company in the last five years.
WIN% (Win Percentage): The percent of the recommendations that outperformed an equal weighted industry index.
The WIN% is a measure of the analyst's ability to identify stocks that have superior or inferior performance compared to that of the industry. The WIN% gives credit to both buy and sell ratings if, subsequent to the rating, the stock performs as predicted in relation to its industry's group's equal weighted index. It is not meant to measure the magnitude of a stock's' performance in relation to that of the industry, rather the degree to which the direction of the analyst's rating was accurate.
Average Buy Return#MO: The average number of months the stock was recommended as Buy/Outperform by the analyst.
RET: The average return of each Buy recommendation.
IND: The average return of an equal weighted industry index during the same period as the stock recommendation.
EXC: An approximation of a "wealth index," Excess Return reflects the difference between the average return calculated for the analyst's buy recommendations and the average returns of the equal weighted industry index for the period during which the recommendations were in effect.
The Excess Return evaluates what an investor's profit could have been, if he or she had diligently acted upon the analyst's buy recommendations.
Best Buy ReturnThe buy recommendations with the best returns during the past five years are shown in the Best Buy Return section.
#MO: The number of months with the best returns.
RET: The return of the recommendation with the highest return.
IND: The return of an equal weighted industry index for the same period as the best buy recommendation.
Analyst Rating History Plot
Using the Analyst Rating History charts, you can view how analyst recommendations have changed over time. To access the Analyst Rating history, follow these steps:
- At the Rating Performance report menu, select up to five analysts whose historical performance you want to evaluate by checking the box left to the analyst's name.
- Click the Plot History button.
- The Analyst Rating History chart will be displayed on the last used Price Action chart.
How to interpret the Analyst Rating History chart
The Analyst Rating History chart displays Analyst Ratings as horizontal bars on the last used Price Action chart in place of volumes. Each horizontal bar represents one analyst. The color of the bar represents the recommendation.
Here is how these ratings are represented:
Rating Description
Numeric Code
Letter Code
Dark Green Strong Buy 1 SBGreen Buy/Outperform 2 BLight Blue Hold 3 HLight Red Sell/Underperform 4 SRed Strong Sell 5 SS