Access all Zacks databases and eliminate entering data by hand. Create custom models or tear sheets with ease. Enter a ticker symbol and instantly access up to 30 years of historical data.
Price and total return
Earnings estimates and estimate revisions
Quarterly and annual financial statement data
Valuation and fundamental ratios and metrics
Zacks proprietary quantitative scores and ranks
Mutual fund, ETF, economic and composite data
Easily pull data into a single cell or create a table for multiple companies
Build historic time-series using relative date references, so your spreadsheet is always up-to-date
Create your own custom items using Zacks data Custom Expression Builder
Print a quick company overview that includes financials, ratios, performance tables and charts.
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Zacks Excel Link works as an add-on to all Zacks Professional Services research platforms as well as most 3rd party software.
To get the most out of Excel Link - and to get started TODAY - sign-up for a free trial of Zacks Advisor Tools, our comprehensive, online equity research platform. Once you start your trial, you can activate and download the Zacks Excel Link add-on.